For the laughs...

I thought a good observation was cited in class on Monday about how in our modern society, a person can get away with so much bs under the guise of "comedy" that would be completely taboo under any other circumstances. I wouldn't have thought that ancient societies operated the same way; I was under the impression that our tolerance levels for what is inappropriate are getting looser and and looser as time and technology advance. But it is clear just looking at the covers of the classic literature we're going to be digging into this semester that comedians have always been allowed to bend the rules a bit. The first of many clear examples of the "back to the orgins" theme we'll be exploring in this class... a theme I am very intrigued by and feel strongly about. I am positive that, in true Sexson form, English 213 will have me discovering coincidences abound. I expect to start mentally tracing every aspect of my life back to it's core, and finding that life springs from the "originary". Let the epiphanies begin!
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